Image Gallery
A selection of images and videos of Manresa is presented here. You will find further images on pages concerning the history or other aspects of the centre.
This selection of photographs of Manresa may link to pages of interest to you.

The gateway to Manresa is clearly marked on Clontarf Road.

Aerial view
The retreat house and castle are situated between a lawn and meadow and surrounded by mature trees.

View of Manresa House
The quiet leafy grounds of Manresa are set in an area of many other natural amenities including Saint Annes Park.

Dollymount Strand
The dunes and beach offer miles of walking with much to enjoy in all seasons; the bird sanctuary is the legacy of an Irish Jesuit.

Retreat House
Manresa is unusual in that the retreat house was built specifically for the purpose of providing quiet space for people on retreat.

Arrupe Chapel
The elliptical chapel provides an inviting setting for liturgy, prayer and reflection.

An eleven-circuit mown grass labyrinth extends its invitation to meditate while moving.

Evie Hone's Windows
Manresa is home to a collection of significant Evie Hone windows as well as well as numerous paintings, sketches and sculpture pieces from her personal collection.

Baymount Castle
What is now Manresa house has been occupied over many years – three times as a school - and has been home to many people.

A Place of Retreat
Why people come to find some space and time to be alone, spiritual accompaniment is a core element of our retreats.
These are some of the videos that are used as people wait to join in online events in Manresa - they may invite you to take a quiet moment of reflection.