Our Natural Setting
Many retreatants enjoy the mature trees which surround Manresa, seeing them as a welcoming presence which adds its own character to a time of retreat.
The ‘nobles of the forest’ and common trees are represented, with some less usual trees speaking of connections with other places - the sequoia a reminder of Emo Court and the ginkos recalling Japan and its centuries of Jesuit presence.
The trees are regularly surveyed and action is taken to preserve, remove or replace trees as needed. This is done with a broader and long-term arboricultural plan in view, considering generations other than our own.
The Labyrinth Meadow
Having been the site of a paddock, a cricket crease and a lawn, the current meadow has developed since 2014. Mown once annually, a great variety of plants have re-established themselves, providing homes to numerous insects and food for many birds. Cowslips and meadow browns are among the growing populations.
People on retreat are often surprised to find themselves observed by squirrels, foxes and badgers. These are not Manresa’s creatures but are ‘ours’ in a broader sense, sharing our environment with us. We avoid feeding or interfering with them and are keen to offer them the sanctuary that people coming to Manresa also seek.

Care for Trees
Manresa's trees are regularly subject to a professional attention and are trimmed, removed, supplemented or replaced as necessary.

Badgers range widely in Dollymount, leaving traces in snuffle holes and excavations while preferring not to be seen themselves.

Wild bees nest in trees as bumblebees and solitary bees take advantage of the sandy embankments.
Pyramidal Orchid
Pyramidal Orchid - Magairlín na stuaice (Anacamptis pyramidalis) is among the species of plant taking advantage of the reduced mowing.
Seven-spot Ladybird
Found in many habitats, Seven-spot Ladybirds make their home in the meadow.
Allowing the grasses and flowering plants to grow and dry provide food and shelter for many creatures – here, a bumblebee, but also many aphids among the thistle's spines.

Blue Tit
A Blue Tit nests in a cherry tree, bringing life and colour.
Grey Squirrel
Members of an invasive species often disdain the grey squirrel for not being native.
Paths in the Meadow
Paths cut through the meadow invite closer observation of the varied life it contains.

A variety of flower appear each season, providing delight and food.