Practicum in Retreat Direction
Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality offers a Practicum in Retreat Direction to experienced spiritual directors. This programme is complementary to the two-year course in Spiritual Direction, and offers further mentoring, specifically in directing retreats, and allows the intern to work under supervision in the contexts of Manresa’s comprehensive programme. It will best be undertaken after some years of experience of spiritual accompaniment that establish the prospective participant in reflective practice.
In the course of the internship, each participant is supervised as they offer accompaniment on six- or eight-day directed retreats and assists on the day, weekend or other events in Manresa as will best prepare them for the ministry they wish to undertake.
This practicum involves many facets of retreat work, including
- working with a supervisor and mentor
- meeting individual retreatants
- making presentations to retreat groups
- offiering scripture reflections at the Eucharist
- leading guided prayer
Participants are assigned a personal mentor for the duration of the Practicum. This is a member of the resident team of directors who meets with them on a regular basis, offering guidance in preparation, monitoring performance, giving support and evaluating strengths and weaknesses. In addition, participants are supervised in all of their individual work. In the course of the programme, some guided reading is required in the areas of Scripture, spiritual direction, discernment and Ignatian spirituality. For those who have not made the full Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, an opportunity is offered of making them in the form of Exercises in Daily Life ("Annotation 19").
If you wish to consider this opportunity, we will be glad to hear from you.