Evie Hone Ignatius La Storta

Spiritual Direction Formation

Even with its many distractions, modern life often confronts us with profound questions of meaning. In our time of somewhat confusing change,  you may find yourself wanting help in your search for God or perhaps you have a desire to help others in their search for God. Are you a person others are drawn to confide in? Do you feel drawn to accompany others in their faith lives? If your answer is “yes”, you may already be a spiritual director or may be interested in training to become one. We believe there is a need for spiritual guides - people willing to walk with others in their journey of faith - in our society.

Spiritual Direction Formation Training

Diploma In Spirituality

Manresa has offered training in the theory and practice of spiritual direction since the 1970’s.

Applications for the Diploma in Spirituality (Spiritual Direction), validated by Maynooth, are accepted between January and April each year for the course starting the following September.

Supervision Training

Manresa offers training in supervision for spiritual directors.

The course combines on-site training with long-distance supervision and mentoring over the course of a year.

Practicum in Retreat Direction

A practicum programme allows some graduates to develop their skills while engaging with retreats and other programmes while being mentored by members of our Retreat Team.

Manresa Graduate Network

Manresa has trained people in spiritual direction for some 40 years, and so has a considerable number of graduates who engage in spiritual accompaniment throughout Ireland and around the world. Events and courses are organised regularly to support and develop the skills of those who continue to practice spiritual accompaniment.

Manresa has offered training in the theory and practice of spiritual direction since the 1970’s; we understand it as being a ministry of accompanying others in their faith lives. In addition to training people who pursue our Diploma in Spirituality (Spiritual Direction) course, we support our graduates by offering spiritual direction, supervision and continuing professional development. In partnership with Together in the Mystery, an established supervision training programme, we offer a course in supervision for spiritual direction. A practicum programme allows some graduates to develop their skills while engaging with retreats and other programmes while being mentored by members of our Retreat Team.