Spiritual Direction and You
From the tradition received from Saint Ignatius, we in Manresa continue this ministry of ‘spiritual conversation’, or spiritual direction. In a trusting atmosphere and through respectful listening, we hope to help people to discover their own deepest desires and to hear the gentle voice of God calling to them in their hearts.
- Have you found conversation about your faith or prayer helpful?
- Perhaps you were on retreat and would like to continue the experience of one-to-one conversation.
The spiritual direction which is a core part of Manresa’s retreats is valued by many people who want to extend the experience beyond the retreat time. This website lists retreats which vary in length from one-day Oasis Days to longer retreats. These retreats typically offer spiritual direction in a one-to-one setting.
Arrange to meet somebody in Manresa to talk about how spiritual accompaniment may be of help to you and what shape it might take. Since it involves meeting a person individually, it is possible for us in Manresa to accept only a relatively small number of people for spiritual direction. We are happy, however, wherever possible, to suggest a spiritual director who might be suitable for you, perhaps from among those who have completed our two-year Diploma in Spirituality (Spiritual Direction).
Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality has trained people in spiritual direction for 40 years and has a list of those who are available for direction. Call Manresa at 015529448 or use the site contact options to ask for information or to arrange to meet somebody at Manresa to discuss spiritual direction possibilities. We may be able to put you in touch with a graduate of our spiritual direction training programme in your area.
Spiritual direction usually takes place on a monthly basis for about an hour. A few monthly meetings with a director will help you to see how accompaniment may help you in living your faith.
- Spiritual direction is offered by people who are in training as directors. Let us know if you would like to work with a trainee.
If you have had some experience of spiritual direction and would like to be trained as a spiritual director, you will find details about our Maynooth-accredited Diploma in Spirituality (Spiritual Direction).

We are happy to help you to consider what ‘anam chairdeas’ might mean for you.