open book on desk

Poetry Retreat: ‘Who Do You Say That I Am?’

From: 4:00pm Friday 11 July 2025
To: 2:00pm Sunday 13 July 2025


Weekend Retreat

One to Many

Accommodation included

Meals included

Places available

Irish poet John F Deane invited poets to respond to Jesus’ question. This retreat will focus on poetic responses from poets including Seamus Heaney, Wendy Cope, Wendell Berry and John F Deane to: “Who do you say that I am?”. 

The question is addressed to all seekers and searchers, as well as to the disciples in the gospel scene. A selection of these poems, along with appropriate scripture texts, will be offered for reflection and prayer in this retreat. The weekend will comprise short inputs, and plenty of time, space and quiet to sit with the material. This weekend retreat will be facilitated by Eoin Garrett.

What can I expect from this retreat

Reflection and prayer

Reflection and prayer on a selection of these poems


Quiet time throughout the day.

Also Included

Time for prayer & reflection

Manresa’s prayer room, labyrinth and surroundings offer space for calm reflection.


A celebration of the Eucharist. The day includes Mass.