Manresa scenery

Advent Weekend Retreat

From: 5:00pm Friday 6 December 2024
To: 2:00pm Sunday 8 December 2024



Guided retreat

Meals included

Any journey requires preparation. In this season of Advent, come away for a weekend of quiet, reflection and prayer. Ponder the word of the ever-hopeful Isaiah as a road-map for Advent companions past and present.

  Step into stillness and silence…

        listen for God’s guidance to find the path

            where the son of God awaits you with great love.

A retreat in Advent is especially precious as it can easily become a time with lots to do and many things seeking attention. This retreat will invite you to give consideration to core Advent themes. You will have time to appreciate the season’s message by spending time praying alone, in company with others, by meeting with a spiritual director or just catching your breath if life seems too busy.