We are happy to make mass available audio-visually. Please use the link below which sometimes may require you to register or re-register.
We don't use a one-way webcam but instead use Zoom; this allows you in the online congregation to respond, read and pray.
You can participate appropriately not just by watching but by joining in the prayers, readings and responses using your microphone.
Mass etiquette
Don't remain silent! The mass deserves as full participation as we can muster, even in our unforeseen circumstances.
Don't broadcast inadvertently!
Please mute your microphone except when responding, reading or praying aloud.
If you have the benefit of access to a computer or other device to connect with us, please take a moment to familiarise yourself with how to use it best and to avoid causing intrusion on the prayer of others.
Hearing and speaking
Just as you may put your phone on silent when you go to the church, be ready to put your microphone on mute when you are not using it. Don't idly silence yourself throughout mass; be ready to respond, to pray and to read as you would ordinarily.
Identify how you can easily mute and unmute.
You can leave your microphone muted most of the time, unmuting when you speak. It encourages us when we hear you joining in the mass; silence from the congregation suggests to us that a connection is broken and is a bigger distraction!
If you are using a keyboard, you can mute your microphone and simply press the space bar to unmute when you speak; other touch-screen devices will have options on the screen.
Remember that you choose what is the main picture you see - you can 'pin' a chosen view or let the picture show who is speaking or using their microphone.
The readings that are used each day can be found online at sites such as Universalis or CatholicIreland.
Act of Spiritual Communion
When joined online by people who are not receiving the Eucharist, we usually say one of these prayers before communion:
My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul.
Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly
to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.
Lord Jesus you are the living bread that gives life to the world.
As we come to the time of Communion we ask for a deeper sense of union with you and with each other.
Though we cannot receive you sacramentally at this time, come into our hearts and meet the deeper hunger of our lives. Draw us closer to you and to one another.
Bless us with food for the journey that we may continue your mission of love and service. Amen